Consuming HTTP APIs from a .NET Client Using ABP's Client Proxy System

Consuming HTTP APIs from a .NET Client Using ABP's Client Proxy System

This is an example project that demonstrates how to consume HTTP APIs from a .NET application using ABP's dynamic and static client-side proxy systems. See the article that explain this project:

Vivien KORPYS 93 weeks ago

Great article, I was wondering about the distribution of this application.

It seems to me that you have to configure something like this in the migrator for the identity server: "THIS_App": { "ClientId": "THIS_App", "RootUrl": "http://localhost:4200" }

But the root url will be different for each computer?

Malik Masis 93 weeks ago

Hi Vivien,

Thanks for your kind words.

Yes, you're right but 4200 is used for Angular as the default port. I think, no need to change it in this example project.

Regards 93 weeks ago

Convert the application to use static client proxies,It is return Error: Volo.Abp.AbpException HResult=0x80131500 Message=The API description of the Acme.BookStore.Books.IBookAppService.GetListAsync method was not found!

Malik Masis 93 weeks ago


Need more information about this error, even so, something comes to mind. Did you create the static proxies after using the static client? It may relate to that.
