Dealing with Multiple Implementations of a Service in ASP.NET Core & ABP Dependency Injection

Dealing with Multiple Implementations of a Service in ASP.NET Core & ABP Dependency Injection

ASP.NET Core provides a built-in dependency injection system to register your services to the dependency injection container and inject/resolve them whenever you need. ABP's dependency injection infrastructure is built on ASP.NET Core's DI system, automates service registration by conventions and provides some additional features.

In this tutorial, I will explain how you can register multiple implementations of the same service interface and inject/resolve all these implementations when you need them.

Defining Services

Assume that you have an IExternalLogger interface with two implementations:

public interface IExternalLogger
    Task LogAsync(string logText);

public class ElasticsearchExternalLogger : IExternalLogger
    public async Task LogAsync(string logText)
        // TODO...

public class AzureExternalLogger : IExternalLogger
    public async Task LogAsync(string logText)
        // TODO...

An example service injecting the IExternalLogger interface:

public class MyService : ITransientDependency
    private readonly IExternalLogger _externalLogger;

    public MyService(IExternalLogger externalLogger)
        _externalLogger = externalLogger;

    public async Task DemoAsync()
        await _externalLogger.LogAsync("Example log message...");

In this example, we haven't registered any of the implementation classes to the dependency injection system yet. So, if we try to use the MyService class, we get an error indicating that no implementation found for the IExternalLogger service. We should register at least one implementation for the IExternalLogger interface.

Registering Services

If we register both of the ElasticsearchExternalLogger and AzureExternalLogger services for the IExternalLogger interface, and then try to inject the IExternalLogger interface, the last registered implementation will be used. However, how to determine the last registered implementation?

If we implement one of the dependency interfaces (e.g. ITransientDependency), then the registration order will be uncertain (it may depend on the namespaces of the classes). The last registered implementation can be different than you expect. So, it is not suggested to use the dependency interfaces to register multiple implementations.

You can register your services in the ConfigureServices method of your module:

public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
    context.Services.AddTransient<IExternalLogger, ElasticsearchExternalLogger>();
    context.Services.AddTransient<IExternalLogger, AzureExternalLogger>();

In this case, you get an AzureExternalLogger instance when you inject the IExternalLogger interface, because the last registered implementation is the AzureExternalLogger class.

Injecting Multiple Implementations

When you have multiple implementation of an interface, you may want to work with all these implementations. For this example, you may want to write log to all the external loggers. We can change the MyService implementation as the following:

public class MyService : ITransientDependency
    private readonly IEnumerable<IExternalLogger> _externalLoggers;

    public MyService(IEnumerable<IExternalLogger> externalLoggers)
        _externalLoggers = externalLoggers;

    public async Task DemoAsync()
        foreach (var externalLogger in _externalLoggers)
            await externalLogger.LogAsync("Example log message...");

In this example, we are injecting IEnumerable<IExternalLogger> instead of IExternalLogger, so we have a collection of the IExternalLogger implementations. Then we are using a foreach loop to write the same log text to all the IExternalLogger implementations.

If you are using IServiceProvider to resolve dependencies, then use its GetServices method to obtain a collection of the service implementations:

IEnumerable<IExternalLogger> services = _serviceProvider.GetServices<IExternalLogger>();

Further Reading

In this small tutorial, I explained how you can register multiple implementations of the same interface to the dependency injection system and inject/resolve all of them when you need.

If you want to get more information about ABP's and ASP.NET Core's dependency injection systems, you can read the following documents:

Farouk Belhocine 113 weeks ago

Hi Very interesting. Thanks for the simplicity.

Halil İbrahim Kalkan 113 weeks ago

You're welcome :)

Damien R 92 weeks ago

Thanks for your article, it as almost exactly what I was searching for.

A little detail was that I wanted to use Dependency Interfaces to inject instead of having explicitly to use context.Services to avoid having to add a reference for each class. The problem of ordering was irrelevant for me because I wanted all implementations to call them all.

I strugled with the naming convention. Multiple implementations class can't respect the convention because they'll have specific names. I was able to correct it by adding `[ExposeServices(typeof(IExternalLogger))]``