ABP Version 5.3 Migration Guide

This document is a guide for upgrading ABP 5.2 solutions to ABP 5.3. Please read them all since 5.3 has some changes you should take care of.

See the ABP migration guide for the changes made in the ABP.

Saas - Payment Module Dependency Improvements

  • Saas Module no longer depends on the Payment Module. Projects that depend on only the Saas module but use payment/subscription features should also add Volo.Payment.* module packages.

  • Solutions that include Saas Module and Payment Module together should configure AbpSaasPaymentOptions while migrating to v5.3 like below:

Configure<AbpSaasPaymentOptions>(options =>
    options.IsPaymentSupported = true;

See Also


Last updated: 4/30/2024 Edit this page on GitHub

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